Explore the Heartwarming Sweet Penelope Story: Quality, Tradition, and Taste Combined.
It is born from the dreams of a working mother who since childhood designed her own clothes with the help of her aunt and now as an adult wishes to spend more time with her family. From that premise, in an unexpected moment of her life, a flash of inspiration, a divine message, came to her head: “create a line of swimsuits with the name of your beloved daughter, Penelope”. Thanks to her determination, effort, confidence in God and in herself, she manages to create Sweet Penelope.
A brand born of family love, love for nature and the sea. That invites the whole family to enjoy unforgettable moments, create new memories, feeling comfortable and confident with their swimsuits that reflect the beauty of the natural environment and are designed with passion and respect for the environment, using high-quality recycled fabrics, vibrant colors and prints inspired by marine flora and fauna.
Swimsuits are ideal companions for beach adventures, fun moments in the pool and family vacations. What better way to do it than using Sweet Penelope’s collections that provide comfort, confidence, and empowerment to those who wear them. 
Sweet Penelope Philosophy
The philosophy of Sweet Penelope is based on the love for family, the spirit of freedom and the creation of unforgettable memories. We value the importance of spending quality time with our loved ones and believe that moments shared with family are the most precious.
In each of our collections, our brand seeks to convey these family values. Each swimsuit is designed with love and dedication to make the whole family feel comfortable, perfect, secure, and empowered while enjoying special moments together. Loving and respecting the sea is another fundamental part of our philosophy. We are inspired by the beauty and greatness of the ocean, using ecological and recycled materials.
At Sweet Penelope, we believe that fashion is not only an expression of personal style, but also a way to connect with our environment and convey important values. Our brand represents love, joy, respect, and freedom to live life to the fullest, always in the company of those we love.
We want to be part of your unforgettable memories. Wear a Sweet Penelope swimsuit and be part of our family. Together, let's enjoy the sea, create family memories, and make the world a better place.

 How is Sonia? 

Founder and creative of Sweet Penelope

The beginnings were not easy. I faced numerous challenges and unfamiliar situations, but I was always grateful to God for every door that opened for me. Initially, I worked in house cleaning while studying Cosmetology, a skill I had learned from my mother in Cuba. After 2 and a half years in the U.S., without being able to even say 'good morning,' my English was nonexistent. Then, Marriott gave me the opportunity to work at the Ritz Carlton Key Biscayne, first in housekeeping and then as a cosmetologist in the spa. For me, it was not just a job; it felt like the university God wanted me to attend to continue growing and to reach the places He knew I wanted to be. At the Ritz Carlton, I met my husband, and we have been married for 14 years, blessed with two children, Sebastian and Penelope.

I am Catholic, and my faith and deep love for my family have been my pillars. These values gave me the strength to face each obstacle and keep the flame of hope alive. I was determined to improve not only my own life but also the lives of those I love.

In the year 2021, inspired by my immense love for my daughter Penelope and with divine guidance telling me God will take care of your path and your purpose, I founded Sweet Penelope. In December 2022, my brand was approved by Marriott to start selling in their resorts, and I am extremely confident this is not a coincidence, this is Godfidence.

My journey has not been easy, but each overcome obstacle has been a victory that has brought me closer to my dreams. My story is a testament that, with hard work, faith, and love, dreams can become reality. I want to inspire others to believe in themselves, to fight for their goals, and to remember that our origin does not define our destiny—our will and effort do.